Kế hoạch phổ biến của dự án TUNASIA

1 Introduction

The aim of dissemination is to broadcast project results to educational institutions, to employees and representatives of the labor market as well as to a wider public. There are in-house and external dissemination activities, based on the target groups. Within the universities project-specific measures for information and knowledge transfer are performed. External measures are national and international conferences, publications (module handbooks, textbooks, articles), press conferences, Learning Community, multiplier training.

Through the dissemination project results will contribute to the formation of learning communities, that are interested in the model of transdisciplinary education.


2. Non-Digital Communication

2.1. Printed Materials

In the third project year, all partners will participate in the creation of textbooks on innovative topics: "Aquaculture internationally" (NTU / NLU / KKU /GMIT) and "didactics of environmental management education in fisheries" (MJU / TUAF / OHBW/UoW). The book will e-published and accessible for all other universities in the region (students/teacher). This will ensure, that project results will be disseminated to other study programs next to those of the network so universities.

The ongoing work can be considered successful if they are achieved:

- positive development dynamics of students;

- quality performance;

- the demand for the experience of writing this kind of literature by other educational institutions;

- the demand for these books by other educational institutions.


2.2. Conferences

As part of the project nationwide and international conferences will be held to introduce project results to the international scientific debate and to educational practice as well as to strengthen and to ensure effects of the project internationally.

With the aim to present the project and its results to a variety of higher education stakeholders in European and Asian countries (Vietnam and Thailand) three conferences will be held.

For knowledge transfer within each partner university internal events will be carried out which aim to spread the know-how on transdisciplinary courses developed in the project. Such conferences events will be organized in each partner’s university at least annually.

Criteria for achieving the desired result:

- number of press/media appearances;

- increase the level of professionalism of teachers;

- mastering modern pedagogical technologies by teachers;

- availability of published in print and published didactic materials by the results of conferences;

- participation of students and teachers in research conferences at various levels.


3. Digital Communication

TUNASIA project dissemination strategy promotes usage of Internet-based online communication channels. Therefore, TUNASIA partners will take part in distributing information on the project through virtual and digital communication channels and updating status and information on the project website and social networks.

The digital communication materials include establishment of a project portal that will be updated on a regular basis with reports of ongoing developments in the project. The website is developed and will be update by the project partner – NTU. The website will include information on education and training opportunities, publications, international research results, reports of experts concerning tasks in job life, information on study programs in transdisciplinary studies, reports of university teachers and students on their stays abroad.

Special focus is given to the younger generations by building up an appearance in the social media (Facebook). The content will be created by MA-students from the department of Aquaculture of NTU and students from the department of media design of OHBW.

Successful digital communication involves:

- formation of the audience a certain image of the project;

- formation of potential students a certain level of knowledge about a particular project;

- need and interest of the audience in programs, services, events;

- establishing a feedback system - Cal-portal (forum, chat), which increases the attractiveness of a web-resource in the eyes of the user.

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