Kế hoạch chiến lược của dự án TUNASIA

Strategic vision of the TUNASIA project:

Our vision is to make the project a starting point for transferring the results of education and technology from universities to the local and regional community, to solve such problems as:

-   insufficient involvement of representatives of employers (administrations, research institutes, enterprises) in the development and teaching of curricula;

-   neglect of practice-oriented and project-oriented learning strategies and forms of work;

-   insufficient training and advanced training of workers;

-   low level of training of undergraduate graduates in the labor market due to the lack of practical orientation of training programs;

-   lack of technical infrastructure for education, which does not allow students to get acquainted with modern technological processes and materials;

-   inadequate transdisciplinary competence of teachers, impeding the effective solution of problems in future employment.


Strategic objectives of the project:

1. Promotion and promotion of universities in Vietnam and Thailand (NLU, KKU, MJU, NTU, TUAF) among business, industry and local community in the region.

2. Initiate cooperation between the academic community of universities and local business.

3. Establishing links and channels between university research centers and industry in the vicinity.

4. Support the financing of internal research and education.

5. Organization of continuing education.

6. To promote the continuous development of technologies and reflect them in the curriculum of the university.


Achievement of strategic goals:

1. To give workers of fisheries enterprises an incentive to permanent qualifications in the field of environmental management and aquaculture

2. To achieve excellence in the quality of education


Action plan:

1. To give workers of fisheries enterprises an incentive to permanent qualifications in the field of environmental management and aquaculture

This item involves the involvement of representatives of employers (enterprises, research laboratories, local administrations) in the development and revision of curricula, assessment and teaching, which, in turn, requires constant updating of knowledge.

Staff development will help in the following key areas:

• Recruitment and placement;

• Use of new technologies and production systems;

• Quality of products and services;

• Identification of potential managers and management personnel;

• The ability of the organization to respond effectively to changing circumstances.

Necessary steps to achieve the goals:

1. Improvement of retraining programs, staff training aimed at general and professional development;

2. Ensuring high-quality interaction between state and public places for retraining of personnel, the creation of unified training centers;

3. Personnel motivation to acquire new knowledge, study more advanced technologies;

4. Training of specialists in training and retraining;

5. Creating conditions for attracting foreign specialists;

6. Study of possible problems / shortcomings of existing training programs and their improvement;

7. Supervision of the activities of organizations for advanced training.


2.  To achieve excellence in quality education

This item assumes:

• Improving the quality of undergraduate graduates in the labor market through the practice of study programs at the university;

• To promote the development of technical infrastructure for the education and training of technical specialists in universities;

• Use of practice-oriented and project-oriented learning strategies and forms of work in fisheries and environmental education, as well as an increase in training time for practical exercises.

Necessary steps to achieve the goals:

1. Implement modern research laboratories and update existing laboratories for teachers and students;

2. To motivate teachers and students to participate and publish in national and international conferences;

4. Motivate teachers and students to publish in high-quality journals;

5. Organization and holding of periodic scientific seminars, symposia and conferences;

6. Organizing and conducting an annual research event to promote a culture of excellence in research;

7. Attracting university lecturers to writing case studies for undergraduate and graduate programs;

8. Professional reorientation of teachers;

9. Periodic updating of content of lecture and curricula with the latest trends, technologies;

10. The introduction of modern computer labs and periodic updates, existing laboratories to provide students with practical skills and practical experience;

11. The use of new textbooks and teaching materials (including the writing of teaching materials);

12. Meet the national and international accreditation standards through continuous improvement and quality assurance.

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