
Seminar: "Advances of the technology of aquaculture production in Norway"


Time: 9:30 - 11:30 - 2/3/2023


Location: Cát Tường Hall - Nông Lâm University.

Topic; "Advances of the technology of aquaculture production in Norway"

Language: English (Translate to Vietnamese)

Presenter: Ms. Barbo Rimeslaatten Klakegg (Head of fish health department, Åkerblå AS)

Translator: Dr. Trần Hữu Lộc - Lecturer of Fisheries faculty


ASEAN-FEN Webinar 2021

ASEAN-FEN Webinar 2021 will be organized on 18th December 2021 (Saturday), 0900 - 1800 (MYT). This event serves as a platform for knowledge sharing on the novel and innovative findings related to fisheries and aquaculture, as well as a platform for research and academic networkings. Four Keynote Speakers and 17 invited speakers were gathered in this event, to present the latest findings in their research related to fisheries and aquaculture