International Publication

International Publication:


Heok Hee Ng, Dang Khanh Hong and Nguyen Van Tu, 2011. Clarias gracilentus, a new walking catfish (Teleostei: Clariidae) from Vietnam and Cambodia, Zootaxa 2823: 61–68

Roman Buckow, Binh Quang Truong and Cornelis Versteeg, 2010. "Bovine cathepsin D activity under high pressure". Food Chemistry 120 (2): 474-481

Nhan D. T., Wille M., Hung L. T., Sorgeloos P., 2010. Effects of larval stocking density and feeding regime on larval rearing of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Aquaculture, 300, 80–86. 

Nhan D.T., Cam D.T.V. Wille M. Defoirdt T. Bossier P. and Sorgeloos P., 2010. Quorum quenching bacteria protect Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae from Vibrio harveyi infection. Journal of Applied Microbiology,109, (3), 1007–1016.

Nhan D. T., Wille M., De Schryver P., Defoirdt T., Bossier P. and Sorgeloos P., 2010. The effect of poly β-hydroxybutyrate on larviculture of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture, 302, 76–81.

Nhan D. T., Wille M., Hung L. T., Sorgeloos P., 2009. Comparison of reproductive performance and offspring quality of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) broodstock from different regions. Aquaculture, 298, 36–42.

Cam D. T. V., Nhan D. T., Ceuppens S., Hao N. V., Dierckens K., Wille M., Sorgeloos P. and Bossier P. 2009. Effect of N-acyl homoserine lactone-degrading enrichment cultures on Macrobrachium rosenbergii larviculture. Aquaculture, 294, 5–13.

Nguyen Minh Duc, 2010. "Application of Econometric Models for Price Impact Assessment of Antidumping Measures and Labeling Laws on Global Markets: A Case Study of Vietnamese Striped Catfish". Reviews in Aquaculture  2(2):86-101.

Nguyen Minh Duc, Yueqin Shen, Yaoqi Zhang and Mathew Smidt, 2009. "Logging productivity and production function in Alabama, 1995 to 2000". Forest Products Journal. 59(7/8):22-26. July 2009

Nguyen Minh Duc, 2009. "Contribution of Fish Production to Farmers’ Subjective Well-Being in Vietnam – A Logistic Model", Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 40(3):417-424 

Nguyen Minh Duc, 2009. "Economic Contribution of Fish Culture to Farm Income in Southeast Vietnam" Aquaculture International. 17(1): 15-29.

Nguyen Minh Duc, 2008. “Aquaculture and Happiness”. Vietfish International 5(05):44-52. ISSN 1859-1183  

Nguyen Minh Duc, 2008. "Farmers’ Satisfaction with Aquaculture – A Logistic Model in Vietnam ", Ecological Economics. 68(1-2): 525-531.

Duc Minh Nguyen and Henry Kinnucan, 2007, “Effecs of Antidumping Duties with Bertrand Competition: Some Evidence for Frozen Catfish Fillets”, 2007 Annual Joint Meeting AAEA-WAEA-CAES, Portland, Oregon, July 28 – August 01.

Nguyen Van Tu and Nguyen Minh Duc, 2003. “A Sustainable Livelihoods Approach to Fisheries Development for Poverty Alleviation in Southeastern Vietnam”. Stream Journal (2)1:11-12.

Nguyen Van Tu and Nguyen Minh Duc, 2002. “Application of Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Fisheries Development for Poverty Alleviation in Southeastern provinces of Vietnam”. In: Proceeding of Workshop on Livelihood Analysis 19-20/11/2002 in Long An. SAPA-STREAM. Pp: 38-41

Phan Trieu Giang, Nguyen Ngoc Thuy, Nguyen Minh Duc and Truong Thi Ngoc Diem, 1999. Nipa Palm Production in Can Gio – A Socio-Economic Transition. UAF-RECOFTC, Thailand

Nguyen Minh Duc and Trinh Truong Giang, 1998. “Integrated Farming (Fish-Livestock) in Hochiminh City of Vietnam”. In: Proceedings of the First Vietnamese-Hungarian Workshop on Small Animal Production for the Development of Sustainable Integrated Farming Systems (edited by Tran Thi Dan et al.). KAÙTKI (ISR), HAKI, CAF, NIAH. HochiminhCity, Vietnam

Trai, N. V. and Hambrey, J. B., (1998). "Grouper culture in Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam", Infofish International, Vol., 4/98, pp.30-35.

Trai, N. V., Momtaz, S. and Zimmerman, K., (2007a).'Wastewater from shrimp farming and water pollution in Vietnam', In:Starrett, S. K., Hong, J., Wilcock, R. J., Li, Q., Carson, J. H. and Arnold, S. (Eds.). Proceedings from the Third International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, August 6-9, 2007 in Houston, Texas, USA, American Science Press, pp. 84-90.

Trai, N. V., Momtaz, S. and Zimmerman, K., (2007b). "Water pollution concerns in shrimp farming in Vietnam: A case study of Can Gio, Ho Chi Minh City", International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Vol. 3, 2, pp.129-137.

Nguyen Hoang Nam Kha, Samira Sarter, Thierry Legarve and Didier Montet. (2006) Characterization of bacteria isolated from farmed catfish coming from Vietnam and study of their antibiotic resistance. Proceedings of International Workshop on Biotechnology in Agriculture – Nong Lam University: 103-109.

Samira Sarter, Nguyen Hoang Nam Kha, Le Thanh Hung, Jerome Lazard, Didier Montet. (2006) Antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative bacteria isolated from farmed catfish.Food Control (In Press).

Hung, L.T, N.A. Tuan, N.V. Hien, P. Cacot, 1998. Larval Rearing of The Asian Catfish, Pangasius bocourti (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae): Artemia Alternative Feeding and Weaning Time. In: M. Legendre & A. Pariselle (eds.) The Biological Diversity and Aquaculture of Clariid and Pangasiid Catfishes in Southeast Asia. Can Tho, Vietnam: 127-136.

Hung, L.T., J. Lazard, H.T. Tu, Y. Moreau, 1998. Protein and Energy Utilization in Two Mekong Catfishes, Pangasius bocourti and Pangasius hypophthalmus. In: M. Legendre & A. Pariselle (eds.) The Biological Diversity and Aquaculture of Clariid and Pangasiid Catfishes in Southeast Asia. Can Tho, Vietnam: 167-174.

Slembrouck, J., L. T. Hung, J. Subagja, M. Legendre, 1998. Effects of Type of Prey, Feeding Level, Prey Accessibility and Water Aeration on Growth and Survival of Pangasius hypophthalmus Larvae (Siluroidei, Pangasiidae). In: M. Legendre & A. Pariselle (eds.) The Biological Diversity and Aquaculture of Clariid and Pangasiid Catfishes in Southeast Asia. Can Tho, Vietnam: 137-145

Teugels, G.G., M. Legendre, L.T. Hung, 1998. Preliminary Results on The Morphological Characteristics of Natural Populations and Cultured Strains of Clarias species (Siluriformes Clariidae) from Vietnam. In: M. Legendre & A. Pariselle (eds.) The Biological Diversity and Aquaculture of Clariid and Pangasiid Catfishes in Southeast Asia. Can Tho, Vietnam: 27-30.

Slembrouck, J., L. T. Hung, J. Subagja, M. Legendre,1998. Analysis of Precocious Mortality of Pangasius hypophthalmus Larvae (Siluriformes, Pangasidae) During The Larval Rearing and Proposition of Appropriate Treatments. In: M. Legendre & A. Pariselle (eds.) The Biological Diversity and Aquaculture of Clariid and Pangasiid Catfishes in Southeast Asia. Can Tho, Vietnam: 147-155.

Hung, L. T., B. M. Tam, P. Cacot, J. Lazard, 1999. Larval Rearing of the Mekong Catfish, Pangasius bocourti (Pangasiidae, Siluroidei): Substitution of Artemia Nauplii with Live And Artifical Feed. Aquatic Living Res., 12: 229-232.

Subagja, J., J. Slembrouck, L.T. Hung and M. Legendre, 1999. Larval rearing of an Asian catfish Pangasius hypophthalmus (Siluroidei, Pangasiidae): Analysis of Precocious Mortality and Proposition of Appropriate Treatments. Aquatic Living Res., 12: 37-44.

Hung, L. T., Tuan, N. A., J. Lazard, (2001). Effects of Frequency and Time of Feeding on Growth and Feed Utilization in Two Asian Catfishes, Pangasius bocourti (Sauvage, 1880) and Pangasius hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878). J. Aqua. Trop. 16(2) (2001)., 171-184.

Hung, L.T., 2002. Nutrition and Feeding of Pangasius Catfish. Aqua Feed. 2002 (5): 19-20.

Hung, L.T., Liem, P.T, Tu, H.T, C. Mariojouls, 2002. Comparing Growth and Protein Requirement for Fingerlings of Three Catfish of The Mekong River (Pangasius bocourti, Pangasius hypophthalmus and P. conchophilus). Journal Aquaculture Tropical. 17 (4) (2002): 325-335. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Hung, L. T., N.A. Tuan, P. Cacot, J. Lazard (2002). Larval rearing of the Asian Catfish, Pangasius bocourti (Siluroidei, Pangasiidae): alternative feeds and weaning time. Aquaculture 2002 (212): 115-127.

Hung, L. T., 2003. Vietnam Aqua Feed Market Continues to Grow. Aqua Feed. 2003 (6):18-22.

Hung, L.T., J. Lazard, C. Mariojouls, Y. Moreau (2003). Comparison of Starch Utilization in Fingerlings of Two Asian Catfishes from The Mekong River (Pangasius bocourti, Sauvage 1880, Pangasius hypophthalmus, Sauvage 1878). Aquaculture Nutrition, 2003 (9): 215-222.

Hung, L.T., N. Suhenda, J. Slembrouck, J. Lazard, Y. Moreau (2004). Comparision of Dietary Proteins and Energy Utilization in Three Asian Catfishes (Pangsisus bocourti, P. hypophthalmus, P. djambal). Aquaculture Nutrition 2004 (10): 317-326.

Hung, L.T (2004). Feed and feeding constraints in inland aquaculture in Vietnam. In: Edwards, P. and Allan, G. L. (Eds.), Feeds and feeding for inland aquaculture in Mekong region countries. ACIAR Technical Reports No. 56, 136p, 2004.

Hung, L.T. (2005). Development of aquafeed Industry in Vietnam and its Challenges. Asian AquaFeeds 2005 Proceedings, 138-154. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 12-13 April 2005. 

Hung L.T., Huy H.P.V. (2007). Analysis of feeds and fertilizers for sustainable aquaculture development in Viet Nam. In Hasan R.M. et al. (Eds.)Study and Analysis of Feeds and Fertilizers for Sustainable Aquaculture Development: 331- 362. Fao Fisheries Technical Paper 497. Rome, 2007.

Hung L.T. , Truc L.T.T , Huy H.P.V. (2007). Case study on the use of farm-made feeds and commercially formulated pellets for pangasiid catfish culture in the Mekong Delta, Viet Nam. In: Hasan R.M. et al. (Eds.)Study and Analysis of Feeds and Fertilizers for Sustainable Aquaculture Development: 362-378. Fao Fisheries Technical Paper 497. Rome, 2007.

Hoa, N.P., Yi , Y, 2007. Prey ingestion and live food selectivity of marble goby (Oxyeleotris marorata) using rice field prawn (Macrobrachium lanchesteri) as prey. Aquaculture 273: 443-448.

Hoa, N.P., Yi , Y, 2007. Overview of marble goby (Oxyeleotris marorata) culture in Asia. The 5th Vietnamese-Hungarian Proceeding on Animal Production and Aquaculture.  

Tri Nhu Nguyen and D. Allen Davis, 2009.Reevaluation of Total Sulphur Amino Acid Requirement and Determination of Replacement Value of Cystine for Methionine in Semi-purified Diets of Juvenile Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Aquaculture Nutrition (in press). DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2095.2008.00589.x

Tri Nhu Nguyen, D. Allen Davis and I. Patrick Saoud, 2009. Evaluation of Alternative Protein Sources to Replace Fish Meal in Practical Diets for Juvenile Tilapia, Oreochromis spp. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 40(1): 113-121.

Tri Nhu Nguyen and D. Allen Davis, 2009. Methionine Requirement in Practical Diets of Juvenile Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society (in press).

Luke A. Roy, D. A. Davis, Tri Nhu Nguyen and I. Patrick Saoud, 2009. Supplementation of Chelated Magnesium to Diets of the Pacific White Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, Reared in Low Salinity Waters of West Alabama. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society (in press).

Tri Nhu Nguyen, 2008. The Utilization of Soybean Products in Tilapia Feed – A Review. In: Proceedings of The Eight International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 53-65.

Tri Nhu Nguyen and C. Kwei Lin, 1999. Mollusc Culture System and Environmental Conditions in Can Gio District, Hochiminh City, Vietnam. In: The 9th Proceedings of the Tropical Marine Mollusc Program (TMMP), Indonesia, pp. 185-190.

Truong Thy Ho, 2008. “Identification and antibiotic sensitivity test of the bacteria isolated from striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus [Sauvage, 1878]) in pond cultured in Vietnam”, Journal of Science, Kasetsart University, (49) 56-67. 

Truong Thy Ho and Nontawith Areechon, 2007. “Bacterial infection of Tra catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus[Sauvage, 1878]) in Vietnam”, Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), 2007, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for the Sustained Development ofFishery,Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand 17-18 December 2007  

Truong Thy Ho and Nontawith Areechon, 2008. “Identification and antibiotic sensitivity test of the bacteria isolated from striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus [Sauvage, 1878]) in pond cultured in Vietnam”,Proceeding of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 23-25 January 2008.

Nguyen Van Xuan, 2003. Two new freshwater sprawns of the genus Macrobranchium (Deceboda, Caridea, Palaemonidae) from the highlands of South Vietnam. Crustaceana, 76(4): 453-467.  




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