Dr. Nguyen Hoang Nam Kha
Dr. Nguyen Hoang Nam Kha is lecturer in Department of Aquatic Product Processing, Faculty of Fisheries, Nong Lam University Ho Chi Minh City (NLU).
Dr. Nguyen Hoang Nam Kha studied Food Science and Technology at Ecole Nationale Superieure des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires-Section Industries AgroAlimentaires Regions Chaudes (ENSIA SIARC), Montpellier, France, and achieved his MSc in 2004. He graduated with a PhD in Applied Biology and Biotechnology from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University, Australia in 2012.
He also involves in teaching activities for both undergraduates and graduates in the field of aquatic product processing and aquaculture. He offers lectures on general microbiology, food microbiology, seafood microbiology, food-borne diseases (specialized in seafood), food (specialized in seafood) biochemistry, applied biotechnology in aquatic product processing and in aquaculture, quality assessment for aquatic products and human nutrition for undergraduate and master students.
Dr. Kha’s research interests focus on antibiotic resistance and molecular characterization of antibiotic resistant bacteria of aquatic animals; aquatic product processing, especially pertaining to safety and quality issues, product development, by-product and waste product utilization, etc.
Project and publication
·     Antibiotic resistance of E. coli isolated from whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) collected from wet markets and supermarkets in Ho Chi Minh City and their transferability.
·   Tuning environmental competences in Asian fishery education for sustainable development [TUNASIA].
·       Curriculum Development for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security [SSNS].
Email: kha.nguyen@hcmuaf.edu.vn
Telephone (Phone):
Office: (028)38963343

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