Fullname: Vo Van Tuan PhD, Lecturer
Email: vovantuan@hcmuaf.edu.vn
Điện thoại (Phone):
Văn phòng (Office): 02838963343
Education background
- From 2011 to 2016: Doctor degree of Veterinary Medicine (Aquaculture aspect), Faculty of Virology, Ghent University, Belgium
- From 2007 to 2009: Master degree of Aquaculture, Faculty of Bio-engineering, Ghent University, Belgium
- From 2000 to 2005: Undergraduate degree of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Nong Lam University, Hochiminh city, Vietnam.
Skills and expertise:
- Fish and shrimp pathology
- Fish and shellfish immunology
- Primary cell culture
- Cytopathology
- Histopathology
- Immunology of infectious diseases
- Binh T. T. Vo, Chau M. Pham, Truc T. T. Nguyen, Tuan V. Vo & Tu V. Nguyen (2020). Induced spawning of Asian bumblebee catfish (Pseudomonas siamensis Regan, 1913). The Journal of Agriculture and Development, Nong Lam University, volume 19, issue 1, 49-58.
- Binh T. T. Vo, Chau M. Pham, Truc T. T. Nguyen, Tuan V. Vo & Tu V. Nguyen (2020). Identification of the tolerant capacity to aquatic environment factors (temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen) of Asian bumblebee catfish (Pseudomonas siamensis Regan, 1913). The Journal of Agriculture and Development, Nong Lam University, volume 18, issue 5, 44-51.
- Pham Thi Minh Ngoc, Vo Van Tuan, Nguyen Hoang Dung, Jaruwan Sitdhipol, Le Thi anh Hong (2019). Identification of the causative agents of hemorrhagic fever in gourami fish (Trichogaster pectoralis). The Journal of Biotechnology.
- V V Tuan, N T T Truc, V T T Binh, N T H Duyen (2018). Effects of water pH on physiological parameters and color changes of Asian bumblebee catfish (Pseudomystus siamensis Regan, 1913). The Journal of Agriculture and Development, Nong Lam University, volume 18, issue 2, 78-87.
- V V Tuan, N T T Truc, V T T Binh (2018). Innate immune responses of white leg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, infected by acute hepatopancreas necrosis syndrome Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The Journal of Agriculture and Development, Nong Lam University, volume 18, issue 1, 80-88.