Terms of reference

An International Scientific Coordination Network – South (GDRI-Sud) is a scientific coordination network gathering French and foreign research teams in several countries, including at least one developing country, with a scientific committee.



- Gather together several French and foreign research teams, including at least two partners from developing countries, who may or may not be from the same country, in a multiple and flexible partnership around a strategic theme for research on and for sustainable development in the intertropical or Mediterranean zone, thus creating a beneficial forum to scientific exchanges ;

- Promote scientific cooperation between partners from developing countries.


This GDRI-South "ASACHA" aims to facilitate this agro-ecological transition of aquaculture in the South by placing scientific multidisciplinarity at the service of the sustainability of aquaculture in a context of global change. ASACHA is situated at the interface of issues related to food security, sustainability of aquaculture production systems, and training, thus responding to the 8 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These issues call upon many complementary disciplines that interact in a complex framework, and are at the heart of the programme that the DIVA (DIVersity of Fish and Aquaculture) team of ISEM is developing with its partners in the South and the North.


ASACHA aims to i) structure this scientific activity between the numerous disciplines involved and the many partners from the South and the North, ii) strengthen South-South relations, by federating academic and socio-economic actors on the issues of sustainability and agro-ecological transition of aquaculture, and iii) intensify training in the South on these aspects.


The objective of this GDRI-Sud is therefore to better integrate the knowledge and skills acquired by scientists and stakeholders in tropical aquaculture, in order to develop a generic approach for the development of ecological intensification and to promote a better ecosystemic integration of aquaculture in the various socio-ecological contexts.


ASACHA will build on existing funded projects and complement existing partnership arrangements, in particular CIRAD's ASEA and SPAD DPs and IRD's JEAI HealthyRice (global health of the rice agro-ecosystem).



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