The Excellence Training Center for Sustainable Fisheries Development and Seafood Security (SFSS) was established under the TUNASIA/SSNS project with the support of the European Union's Erasmus+ Programme. The Center is located at Faculty of Fisheries, Nong Lam University.


The Excellence Training Center for Sustainable Fisheries Development and Seafood Security (SFSS) was established under the TUNASIA/SSNS project with the support of the European Union's Erasmus+ Programme. The Center is located at Faculty of Fisheries, Nong Lam University.

The goal of the Center's programs is to provide an interdisciplinary platform for research collaboration and to provide additional tools for student learning, teaching and research.

The Centre will be a regional center of excellence for training and education of human resources, research and technology transfer in fisheries.


The Excellence Training Center for Sustainable Fisheries Development and Seafood Security is a training and scientific research unit of the Faculty of Fisheries, has the roles of carrying out technical training and education in aquaculture and aquatic processing, research and technology transfer in fisheries, consultation (education, scientific research) and scientific and technological services.


The Center has the following duties:

Participating in training and education activities for labor force (aquaculture and aquatic processing).

Conducting basic and applicable research works in the area of aquaculture pond management and prevention and control of aquatic animal diseases.

Conducting services, consultation and scientific research works relating to aquaculture and aquatic processing.

Cooperating with other scientific research organizations, in Vietnam and abroad, to conduct research works relating to aquaculture and aquatic processing, as specified by the roles and responsibilities of the Center.

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