When the Faculty of Fisheries (FoF) was first established (1974), it did not have individual departments due to limited staff. Since 1976-1977, based on the increased staff resources, the FoF has established 3 departments: the Department of Basic Sciences, the Department of Aquaculture Technology and the Department of Exploitation and Processing (The predecessor of the Department of Aquatic Product Processing since 2001).
Regarding personnel, when the DAPP was first established, there were only 3 lecturers and 1 staff (only 1 master holder from Japan). Since 1977-1979, the department was enhanced by 2 lecturers and maintained regular academic and support staff from 5-8 people. Currently, the DAPP's personnel consist of 5 lecturers (including 2 PhDs and 1 lecturer studying a doctorate degree in Belgium) and 1 technician (master holder).
In terms of training, since 1976-2000, the DAP is responsible for the teaching of several courses from General Microbiology, Aquatic Product Processing, Fisheries Exploitation, Fishing Tools... to the field practice of Fishing-Processing for all the programmes of the FoF. Since 2001, with the official establishment, the DAPP in charge of management the undergraduate programme in Aquatic Product Processing Technology and manages many courses related to 2 directions: i/ the development and processing of aquatic products; and ii/ the hygiene and safety of processed aquatic products for students of all 4 programmes. The field practice for aquatic product processing students has expanded from the Mekong Delta region (where most of the main seafood producers are settled down) to Ho Chi Minh City and neighbor provinces (where value-added seafood produces are established)

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