-        Evaluation and management on water quality and environment in aquaculture.

-        Prevention, control and mitigation of harmful algal blooms in aquaculture.

-        Aquaculture wastewater and sludge treatments.

-        Biological characteristics of indigenous, ornamental and commercial fishes.

-        Aquatic resource management adapting with climate and socio-economic changes.

-        Live feed culture (algae, zooplankton) for larviculture and biodiesel.

-        Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of pollutants (heavy metals, POPs, etc.) in aquatic animal and food web.

-        Study of zero-/limited-water exchange aquaculture systems: biofloc, aquaponics, recirculating aquaculture system, etc.


-        Bio-conversion of organic wastes into biodiesel and animal feed via insect farming.

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